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tcld namespace command reference

The tcld namespace commands enable NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more operations in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: n


The tcld namespace create command creates a Temporal NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: c

tcld namespace create

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


The request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not set, the server assigns an identifier.

Alias: -r


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file is specified

A base64-encoded CA certificate.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -c


Required modifier

Specify the name of the Namespace to create.

Alias: -n


Required modifier

The region to create the Namespace in.

Valid options: ap-northeast-1 | ap-southeast-1 | ap-southeast-2 | ca-central-1 | eu-central-1 | eu-west-1 | eu-west-2 | us-east-1 | us-west-2

Alias: --re


The number of days that data about closed Workflow Executions will be retained (default: 30).

Alias: --rd


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate is specified

A path to a CA certificate PEM file.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: --cf


Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-input is specified

Path to a JSON file that defines the certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace. The specified filters replace any existing filters.

Sample JSON: { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }

If both --certificate-filter-file and --certificate-filter-input are specified, the command returns an error.

Alias: --cff


Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-file is specified

A JSON string that defines the certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace. The specified filters replace any existing filters.

Sample JSON: { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }

If both --certificate-filter-input and --certificate-filter-file are specified, the command returns an error.

Alias: --cfi


Required modifier; can be specified more than once

A custom Search Attribute in the form _name_=_type_.

Valid values for type: Bool | Datetime | Double | Int | Keyword | Text

Alias: --sa


Can be specified more than once

A Namespace-level permission for a user in the form _email_=_permission_.

Valid values for permission: Admin | Write | Read

Alias: -p


tcld namespace create --namespace <namespace_id> --region us-west-2 --retention-days 60 --certificate-filter-input '{"filters": [{"commonName": "test1"}]}' --user-namespace-permission "" --search-attribute "customer_id=Int" --search-attribute "customer_name=Text"


The tcld namespace delete command deletes the specified NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: d

tcld namespace delete

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Required modifier

Specify the Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud to be deleted.

Alias: -n


The request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not set, the server assigns an identifier.

Alias: -r


A resource version (ETag) to update from. If not set, the CLI uses the latest.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace delete --namespace <namespace_id>


The tcld namespace get command gets information about the specified NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: g

tcld namespace get

The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace get --namespace <namespace_id>


The tcld namespace list command lists all NamespacesLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: l

tcld namespace list

The command has no modifiers.


The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca commands manage the client CA certificates of the specified NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud. The certificates are used to verify client connections.


Do not use a CA certificate that is signed with an insecure signature algorithm, such as SHA-1. Such signatures will be rejected. Existing CA certificates that use SHA-1 can stop working without warning.

For more information about the vulnerabilities of SHA-1, see SHAttered.

Alias: ca


The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add command adds client CA certificates to a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate <value>

Alias: a

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file is specified

Specify a base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -c


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate is specified

Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -f


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca add --ca-certificate-file <path>


The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list command lists the client CA certificates that are currently configured for a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list

Alias: l

The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca list --namespace <namespace_id>


The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove command removes client CA certificates from a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate <value>

Alias: r

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-fingerprint or --ca-certificate-file is specified

Specify the base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.

If --ca-certificate-fingerprint is also specified, both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are ignored.

If --ca-certificate-file is also specified but --ca-certificate-fingerprint is not, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -c


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-fingerprint or --ca-certificate is specified

Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.

If --ca-certificate-fingerprint is also specified, both --ca-certificate-file and --ca-certificate are ignored.

If --ca-certificate is also specified but --ca-certificate-fingerprint is not, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -f


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate-file <path>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate or --ca-certificate-file is specified

Specify the fingerprint of a CA certificate.

If --ca-certificate, --ca-certificate-file, or both are also specified, they are ignored.

Alias: --fp


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca remove --ca-certificate-fingerprint <fingerprint>


The tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set command sets the client CA certificates for a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate <value>

Alias: s

When updating CA certificates, it's important to follow a rollover process. Doing so enables your Namespace to serve both CA certificates for a period of time until traffic to your old CA certificate ceases.

  1. Create a single file that contains both your old and new CA certificate PEM blocks. Just concatenate the PEM blocks on adjacent lines.

    ... old CA cert ...
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    ... new CA cert ...
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Run the tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set command with the CA certificate bundle file.

    tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate-file <path>
  3. Monitor traffic to your old certificate until it ceases.

  4. Create another file that contains only the new CA certificate.

  5. Run the tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set command again with the updated CA certificate bundle file.

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --namespace <namespace_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --request-id <request_id> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --resource-version <etag> --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate-file is specified

Specify a base64-encoded string of a CA certificate PEM file.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -c


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate <encoded_certificate>


Required modifier unless --ca-certificate is specified

Specify a path to a CA certificate PEM file.

If both --ca-certificate and --ca-certificate-file are specified, only --ca-certificate is used.

Alias: -f


tcld namespace accepted-client-ca set --ca-certificate-file <path>


The tcld namespace certificate-filters commands manage optional certificate filters for the specified NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud. The Namespace can use certificate filters to authorize client certificates based on distinguished name (DN) fields.

Alias: cf


The tcld namespace certificate-filters clear command clears all certificate filters from a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.


Using this command allows any client certificate that chains up to a configured CA certificate to connect to the Namespace.

tcld namespace certificate-filters clear

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --namespace <namespace_id>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --request-id <request_id>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace certificate-filters clear --resource-version <etag>


The tcld namespace certificate-filters export command exports existing certificate filters from a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace certificate-filters export --certificate-filter-file <path>

Alias: exp

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a path to a JSON file where tcld can export the certificate filters.

Aliases: --file, -f


tcld namespace certificate-filters export --certificate-filter-file <path>


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --namespace <namespace_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --request-id <request_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --resource-version <etag> --certificate-filter-input <json>


The tcld namespace certificate-filters import command sets certificate filters for a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-file <path>

Alias: imp

A certificate filter can include any combination (and at least one) of the following:

  • commonName
  • organization
  • organizationalUnit
  • subjectAlternativeName

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-input is specified

Specify a path to a JSON file that defines certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace, such as { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }. The specified filters replace any existing filters.

If both --certificate-filter-file and --certificate-filter-input are specified, the command returns an error.

Aliases: --file, -f


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-file <path>


Required modifier unless --certificate-filter-file is specified

Specify a JSON string that defines certificate filters to be applied to the Namespace, such as { "filters": [ { "commonName": "test1" } ] }. The specified filters replace any existing filters.

If both --certificate-filter-input and --certificate-filter-file are specified, the command returns an error.

Aliases: --input, -i


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --certificate-filter-input <json>


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --namespace <namespace_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --request-id <request_id> --certificate-filter-input <json>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace certificate-filters import --resource-version <etag> --certificate-filter-input <json>


The tcld namespace search-attributes commands manage Search AttributesLink preview iconWhat is a Search Attribute?

A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.

Learn more of the specified NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: sa


The tcld namespace search-attributes add command adds custom Search AttributesLink preview iconWhat is a Search Attribute?

A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.

Learn more to a Namespace in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace search-attributes add --search-attribute <value>

Alias: a

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace search-attributes add --namespace <namespace_id> --search-attribute <value>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace search-attributes add --request-id <request_id> --search-attribute <value>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace search-attributes add --resource-version <etag> --search-attribute <value>


Required modifier; can be specified more than once

Specify a custom Search Attribute in the form "name=type". Valid values for type are as follows:

  • Bool
  • Datetime
  • Double
  • Int
  • Keyword
  • Text

Alias: --sa


tcld namespace search-attributes add --search-attribute "YourSearchAttribute1=Text" --search-attribute "YourSearchAttribute2=Double"


The tcld namespace search-attributes rename command renames a custom Search AttributeLink preview iconWhat is a Search Attribute?

A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.

Learn more in Temporal Cloud.

tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace search-attributes rename --namespace <namespace_id> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>


Specify a request identifier to use for the asynchronous operation. If not specified, the server assigns a request identifier.

Alias: -r


tcld namespace search-attributes rename --request-id <request_id> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>


Specify a resource version (ETag) to update from. If not specified, the latest version is used.

Alias: -v


tcld namespace search-attributes rename --resource-version <etag> --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>


Required modifier

Specify the name of an existing Search Attribute.

Alias: --en


tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>


Required modifier

Specify a new name for the Search Attribute.

Alias: --nn


tcld namespace search-attributes rename --existing-name <value> --new-name <value>


The tcld namespace retention commands manage the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow is preserved before deletion for a given Namespace in Temporal Cloud.

Alias: r


Retrieve the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion for the specified Namespace.

Alias: g

The following modifier controls the behavior of the command.


Required modifier

Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


tcld namespace retention get --namespace <namespace_id>


Set the length of time (in days) a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion for the specified Namespace.

Alias: s

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Required modifier

Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.

Alias: -n


Required modifier

Specify the number of days a closed Workflow will be preserved before deletion.

Alias: --rd


tcld namespace retention set --namespace <namespace_id> --retention-days <retention_days>